Helm Group

Customer Testimonials

“I specifically appreciate how easy it is to work with your office and field staff given all the curve balls thrown at our project. Having great trade partner relationships is one of many key essentials in a successful project in the constant challenging construction world. I enjoy the fun positive energy your team is providing and value your commitment to manage your work effectively, quality of work, and management of your resources based on the project schedule.  I commend your team for bringing solutions to the table in lieu of problems which is tremendous benefit to everyone involved on any project. Keep up the great work.”

John LeMay – Project Manager, JE Dunn Construction

The best contractor/sub relationship we have is with Helm’s Mechanical division. They help us plan pre-construction, understand the 40% of hospital projects that seem unclear, project costs and do scheduling. I wouldn’t call what they do Value Engineering. That term is too old school. It’s more of a 3D planning system. They are always at the table, always committed and always deliver. We look at Helm Mechanical as a preferred partner.

Brent Johnson, CEO, Ringland Johnson

“I have a lot of respect for Helm Mechanical as a result of my experience with them on my last 3 projects (Lake Forest College, Maine East High School and Maine West High School) and have referred them on a number of other projects with which I am involved.  They are strong in design assist, 3D coordination, daily communication to ensure all team members are on the same page and are a quality subcontractor as well.  It is hard to find a Mechanical Contractor who has all these qualities and traits. We find Helm Mechanical to be highly responsive and professional when dealing with our needs and have consistently received high quality workmanship from them on all our projects.”

Jack Covello, MEP Coordinator, Pepper Construction

When I think of Mechanical, I think of a sub partner I want on every project. It’s a comfort to have them on your job site. I appreciate the technology and processes they bring to our projects. They deliver more competence and better management.

Joe Scandroli, President, Scandroli Construction